Browse Items (67 total)

People gather outside City Hall in Richmond, Virginia to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the Supreme Court ruling in Brown v. Board of Education.

Joe Crenshaw and members of the SCLC (Southern Christian Leadership Conference) protest racism at Fort Lee in Petersburg, Virginia

The cover of a pamphlet titled "Let My People Go" by Earnest Sevier Cox, published by the White America Society in 1925 in Richmond, Virginia.

A FBI-authored Black Panther coloring book designed to discredit the organization.

A page from an FBI-authored Black Panther coloring book depicts African-American children shooting police officers represented as pigs.

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A letter sent to Mrs. W. H. Crockford from Dr. J. Robert Bronson. In the letter he expresses his "unconditional" opposition to busing.

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A list of salaries paid to employees at Wythe High School.

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A pro-segregation editorial from The Richmond News Leader.

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Data that documents children from age 5-14 who have never been to the dentist.

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A telegram sent by concerned parents to President Richard Nixon.
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