Browse Items (27 total)

  • Collection: The VCU Collection

A revised summary of explanation of the policies for school desegregation plans under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

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A letter of concern to the School Board from Mrs. Jack H. Harris, President of the Westhampton Parent-Teacher Association.

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A parent’s letter of concern to the Richmond Board of Education.

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A letter to Virginia F. Rice from Mrs. W. H. Crockford, III regarding Rice’s concerns about plans for school integration.

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A letter from Mrs. W. H. Crockford, III to PTA Members.

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A letter from Mrs. W. H. Crockford, III to Mrs. W. M. E. Rachal regarding Rachal’s concerns about school integration.

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A letter sent to Mrs. W. H. Crockford from Dr. J. Robert Bronson. In the letter he expresses his "unconditional" opposition to busing.

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A list of salaries paid to employees at Wythe High School.

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A pro-segregation editorial from The Richmond News Leader.

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Data that documents children from age 5-14 who have never been to the dentist.
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